Friday, May 7, 2010


My Lotus flowers are almost two weeks old, and I am extremely pleased with the outcome.

I love tattoos, especially when it has meaning and significance. I really don't understand some of what I've seen, but their bodies aren't mine, so it's not my concern.

I breezed through an article I found on yahoo about people's reactions and thoughts towards this art form. I never felt so passionately aggravated by reading those people's comments!! especially when there are those who say that getting tattoos is a "trend" and we should be prepared to bleat with the rest of the crowd. "To be a LEADER and NOT a follower." How EXACTLY does that apply here? Tattooing dates 5,000 years back, so what is it that you want to say? That you're an idiot? It's the 21st century, of course the purpose and reasoning of getting tattoos have evolved, but it's not a TREND that came into place through thin air.

It's understandable that you don't like tattoos but don't be close-minded. Everyone who has gotten a tattoo or multiple tattoos do not get them for the mere SAKE OF BEING "IN THE TREND." That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard. If someone got it done for this purpose, so be it. He/she'll deal with whatever problem arises. In the end, it's his/her personal problem and no one else's, so to those condemning the general crowd of inked people, STOP BEING SO SHALLOW. Some tattoos consist of importance and meaning, and simply do not serve a single purpose of being "pretty" body decor. I became more and more irritated when commenters were describing women with tattoos as "whores, sluts, and white trash." Really? Really? Stop generalizing. I do admit that I've seen some tacky tattoos, but stop with the ridicule! It's not your body to worry about, so refrain from being an asshole.

Do look beyond the surface.

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